My Blog List

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

blog 9

Throughout the semester I believe my writing skill has improved  my unique   sense of writing reflects who I am .There were many terms that I had to refresh myself with like developing my thesis, sentence structure,  providing evidence  in a essay all these guidelines gave me new insight to being open to developing an essay . Some of things that I really  focus on is that my message in the essay is made clear to readers so they can fully understand what I am trying to say. One thing that I consider when writing is how to capture the attention of the reader this sometimes can be a difficult task because sometimes your ideas sometime race when writing. Many times you may miss out important details like explaining the topic or going into details so that readers get the point. Details are very important for writing because you want your readers to get the information clearly and not be lost. This is also one of my weaknesses and sometimes I don’t even recognize it.
          Over the semester there were several topics that I learned through reading plays and watching movies for example one of my favorite was the famous work of Plato the Allegory of the Cave. Why I like that fable is because it explains the flaws of human nature. The fable entails underlining truth about 
 choice the outcomee of your choice can be devastiating which can be so hard for many to accept because of their arrogance. While others will argue this point, my opinion is if you know what to expect in life so many of us would try and avoid it. Another thing that I have learned is how the effect science has on humans by reflecting on this topic it  enhance my thinking by helping me to create ideas outside the box when writing. Reading the text and writing about it help me to voice my own opinion that expanded my style of writing which is the focus of this class. By doing this you can organize your way into doing what you want to.
      This term my writing has increase which t also gave me opportunity to refelct on the society and life itself. The activities that are helpful at times make you ponder how and what you’re going write about this is where the blogs can be handy. The blog can help you revise and also stay on topic the feedback is positive overall. Some things that I like about blogging are that there isn’t any particular format you should follow just write really comes to your mind. Especially when you find certain topics intresting . My writing in general style now are effective compared to before its like it become a part of you. The focus that I will try to keep in mind is that I am writing to individuals that would like to get details of what I’m writing about. It is helpful to go according to the format of the given tasks. Keeping my thoughts structured an organize my thoughts.

Monday, November 28, 2011

blog 8

The connection that I have made between the movies and the text is the Topic of free will and determinism. As I reflect throughout the semester on the topic on hand, many of the leading character as seen in the movies had the decision to choose. Like many of us in our lives we stumble on choices which are given to you these choices can be tuff to handle but the reality is we have to deal with the reality of them. The movie the matrix illustrates free will the fact that the movie projected the dystopian world in which the society was unreal the theme basically described the role of choices. Another movie that seemed very similar to this is Goattca the movie also portrays free will and determinism in my opinion the leading character role emphasized determinism given the fact he was looked on as an out casts to society his determination to prove that he was not what society deemed him to be. This given insight illustrates that he demonstrated free will. Free will is the also seen in the Oedipus  the king play opedipus was seen as unable to determine his faith but his life was predicted by the oracles that also gave him the choice to not take the throne by killing his father and sleeping with his mother He was very to determine to prove that he wouldn’t kill. He was misled that he would not kill. After Oedipus realize that he did exactly what the oracle predicted.  The  theme developed my thinking of free will by helping me develop clear knowledge of choice .

Monday, November 21, 2011

blog 7

         In my previous blog entries my experience gave me new incite in the way I think about writing in English 101. Though, I am not a person who likes to write about given class topics the class in general peeked my horizon by challenging me to think outside the box.  By blogging about the different stories and plays we have read previously in class I was able to understand and interpret major themes of stories and plays. I have realized through blogging that I have to expand my thoughts and ideas that would enable me to write more effectively. It is very easy to stray off topics when writing a blog mainly because your thoughts race so as you type an entry it very easy to make errors, such as grammar typos etc. careful not to stray off topic.

            My blogs throughout the semester has helped to write about the different character in the movies and short stories I have read and watch. On the blog site it is sometimes it is useful to also see other blog entries from the other student because it give you an idea about what other have to say and also about seeing if you’re on the right track. Some of the draw back are you might read someone blog that wasn’t so effective which if you haven’t done any research you may end making errors. The blogs in which I have written makes it easier to write in the essay given my advice about writing blog entries is to write about a topic which sparks your interest I like to write about current events. Current events are topics which usually give me more information about the world and it also give me a chance to give voice my concerns and my opinion.

           However by writing several blog entries it has change the way I write by helping to follow a structure that would help me to be a successful writer. Blogging also give me chance to review my errors and go over them. It helps the professor to pin point my strong points and weak point which is an advantage for me so I can do better on the following essays. There are specific details the one would not pay attention to is easier to detect through blogging. The other details that we pay attention are is the paper unified and is it mainly what the question asks. Also Blogging is good because it is useful for helping me to write better essays

Monday, October 31, 2011

essay 1

The mist undeniable fact is people like to live their live in an
unrealistic fashion even though the realities of life is sometimes
hard to deal with. Many blindly ignore the facts and continue ti live
in false pretense. Illusions can lead people ti livingin a world that
consists of false realities
In plato excerpt the allegory of the cave,the cave can be perceived as
the wolrd we live in. Day in and day out we start our day like a rat
race ruShing to work or school then we race home to our families in
the evening and this process continues everyday (the cave as you know
it. this simply implies that the human are under control and continue
to live their live in an fatancy wolrd as if it just the way life
really is. this is similar to the allegory of the caeand the matrix
the theme of givivng up the illusion and embracing the thruth is
demstrated in the matrix and the allegory of the cave where as the two
are baed on life in an unreal world . in the allgory of the cave plato
story conveys where slaves are trapped working without leaving the
cave. they have no idea that there is anotherworld beyong the caveand
they blindy refused to leave the cave when somoene told them about
another world. it so happened that one day the man that told them
abotu the other world stepped out of the cave and into this new world
where he could see the sun.the bright light almost blinded him due
being in the dark for so long he was afraid.
the connection between the allegory of the cave and the real world is
very simliar to conlonial rule of the jamaican indians by the french
goverment.the slaves were taken from africa and brought to the island
to work and toil until one day one slaves . rebelled .this sparked an
uproar. some slave did not agree and did not want to paticipate in the
rebbelllion . this was the time the slave had the chance to be free.
similar to the abolision of slavery in the west indies . in the matrix
was a world of dystopia for neo.again here lyes accepting the truth or
the lie . for the neo he chose not live the lie
 in general reality can be misleading

blog 5 (REVIEW)

 The underlining truth about human nature is throughout history man has developed numerous ways either build, conquer or destroy each other. George J. Anna’s in the articles The Man on the Moon has created a line of various historic events. The idea that humans were first identified as Homo sapiens and evolved by creating through scientific experiment.  Imperialism Anna’s said caused men to battle for power through scientific experiment which can cause catastrophe, which by   can nature either aid us or hinder us. One such example of domination power was great mission accomplished by man is by putting a man on the moon Apollo 11 was a mission that humans due to their dominating power and competitive nature only mission was to see who could place the first man on the moon and bring him back in this we see a broad spectrum of events that will only lead to man empirical movement.

This was one of the ways man would try to separate themselves by competing with each other. Another way human dominance exceeded in another history of events was genetically manipulating by cloning genes. This experiment has led men to the conclusion that could be a decline in a series of preventable disease ultimately eliminating death. This concept that was made by scientist is another way that men imperialism by nature of men to dominate everything including death.

Though humans Anna’s said men have not conquered death but the idea that there is eternal life has not only caused men to destroy other but eventually might one day harm the human race. The new crusade is an example of a form of exploitation that not only turned mankind against each other but it also play a role with religion. This idea of creating much religious belief is another example. The belief of god has by much not only different belief but that also many form of gods.

The idea of genetically engineered humans that will possible out live the average humans Anna’s said superior human will almost come to represent what is defined as the “other” , similarly to the movie gottaca in a world of genetically discrimination is based on genetics the movie was based on humans would one day not judge by the color of their skin but by their genetically genome. The competitive nature is highlighted in the movie. Vincent brother who was genetically better believed that he could dominate his brother by competing with him, Vincent on the other hand didn’t believe in just being a default of society he created a way in which he could prove the geneticist wrong by outliving his parent by competing with his brother and wining.

In conclusion to both the man on the moon and gottaca we see turning point of historic events leading to man creating dominating and killing each other by the earliest creation to today contemporary scientific experiments. Both are prime example why human are capable of replacing science experiment with life’s pure way of survival only known to man.

Monday, October 17, 2011

blog #4

The mere mist realities of The Matrix and Oedipus the kings were unimaginable for both charters. Were for instance these two text reveals the nature of ignorance in these two cases ended up almost detrimental for both characters. Reality isn’t what you think it is you could be trapped in a world full of illusion and don’t even know it. In the allegory of the cave According to Plato his decree is the world is nothing but shadows of imperfect manifestations of forms. To shed some light on his acknowledge.  Life is flawed and we must not judge or act based on what we think we should act, we should act according to the truth.
  Therefore in the matrix the truth is revealed when NEO is forced to take make a decision when he takes the pill or not. His curiosity led him to face the consequences of his decision. What was revealed to him was the ugly dystopia of the world he saw. Similar to the matrix, Oedipus the king also based his decision based on his curiosity. His urged to know the truth about how he became king; his mother was so painful even though he didn’t want to face reality he had to. The worst part about facing the truth is accepting it and for both characters it led to destruction (the world flawed with imperfections).  
 Many inferences can be derived from both the movie and the text which also gives a parallel meaning to realty VS illusions. In my own personal experience it is very easy to get caught up in an illusion in fact this illusion is everywhere. My unrealistic nature tends to get a hold of me. I went it into the store one day to get a bracelet I couldn’t afford any way long story short I got it. not realizing the consequences that my credit card bill went up. my bracelet broke and the cost to pay for it was more than the orginal cost of the bracelet was more. My ignorance led me to this action which is depiction of ignorance is bliss

Monday, October 3, 2011

 Many of us tend to look at life through our rose colored glasses if only we would take them off for a minute and take a dose of reality. As human one of our greatest flaws is accepting reality and one of the prime examples of historical events that occur that people failed to accept reality was the great depression. In 1928 there was trouble in the American economy the stock value increased then suddenly fell causing the country to go into a great depression. The illusion that suddenly millions of shares went on sale cost the market big time. Though there were several warnings before the stock fell like the cuts back in the auto and ancillary industry caused stock market become unsteady. Now the economy went depression the people in that time were not able to realize that there would be consequences for their actions and ended up paying dearly for the poor choices they made. Since the great depression many people had lost their jobs.
  Socrates quotes "The Allegory of The Cave," he explains that giving up "the cave," the illusory reality (ideology) is painful, but gradually we accept the reality of the world outside the cave, and that world is better. the connection between this quote and the great depression is that the reality was the economy plummeted and so did most job which was a painful adjustment people had to face accept  for others is was unbearable ,some people took their own lives.
      Though condition became extremely bad from the depression life still goes on even though it is hard to accept the reality. The 1999 sequel the matrix conveys the harshness of reality that we seem to not like. However in The Matrix reality is a dystopia, while the illusion the machines have generated is the world as it was. The economy as it was in a dystopia. For many Americans life became dull cold and bitter. People were unable to buy food clothes and shelter. People had to start from scratch and this was the reality many had to face.

Monday, September 19, 2011

My unrealistic cave of the past

The cave and I

      I remember as if it was yesterday, I left milk and cookies under the Christmas tree and not to mention a big stoking foot for my gift. I woke up the next morning sprinting towards the Christmas tree and  I checked everywhere there was no gift so I went to my next door to ask my friend if she had gotten anything from Santa. As a child you were grow up believing in many things that seems a  unrealistic. As you become aware of yourself, you grow up believing many things whether they are real or not a child's your curiosity is bigger than  what you think of reality.  I used to watch  movies that depicted this man they called Santa and my belief was that he  would come on Christmas eve  with gifts for all the little  boys and all the little girls, you couldn’t be naughty you  had to be nice. When I learned that being good  was all  you had to do the next year I made sure I was good. My belief was that there was a Santa and that he would come on Christmas Eve bearing gifts for me because I was good all year long.My friend next door  burst out into to laughter and said that there is no such thing as Santa and he was just someone they made for kids to like Christmas. I was so disappointed. When I returned home my brother came to me and said that he had gotten a gift for me ( it wasn't from Santa) I was very happy. Today as an adult you compare your childhood past and you come to realize that there are so many things as a child you believe in when reality their just fantasies these are illusions. Instead of looking at life through rose colored glasses wake up and take a step into reality. My  advice to  everyone to is find out more about whats out there in the world, there might be new things that gives you different experiences. The lesson I have learned from this is the world isn't what it really is and the best way to go through life is by experiencing it!