My Blog List

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

blog 9

Throughout the semester I believe my writing skill has improved  my unique   sense of writing reflects who I am .There were many terms that I had to refresh myself with like developing my thesis, sentence structure,  providing evidence  in a essay all these guidelines gave me new insight to being open to developing an essay . Some of things that I really  focus on is that my message in the essay is made clear to readers so they can fully understand what I am trying to say. One thing that I consider when writing is how to capture the attention of the reader this sometimes can be a difficult task because sometimes your ideas sometime race when writing. Many times you may miss out important details like explaining the topic or going into details so that readers get the point. Details are very important for writing because you want your readers to get the information clearly and not be lost. This is also one of my weaknesses and sometimes I don’t even recognize it.
          Over the semester there were several topics that I learned through reading plays and watching movies for example one of my favorite was the famous work of Plato the Allegory of the Cave. Why I like that fable is because it explains the flaws of human nature. The fable entails underlining truth about 
 choice the outcomee of your choice can be devastiating which can be so hard for many to accept because of their arrogance. While others will argue this point, my opinion is if you know what to expect in life so many of us would try and avoid it. Another thing that I have learned is how the effect science has on humans by reflecting on this topic it  enhance my thinking by helping me to create ideas outside the box when writing. Reading the text and writing about it help me to voice my own opinion that expanded my style of writing which is the focus of this class. By doing this you can organize your way into doing what you want to.
      This term my writing has increase which t also gave me opportunity to refelct on the society and life itself. The activities that are helpful at times make you ponder how and what you’re going write about this is where the blogs can be handy. The blog can help you revise and also stay on topic the feedback is positive overall. Some things that I like about blogging are that there isn’t any particular format you should follow just write really comes to your mind. Especially when you find certain topics intresting . My writing in general style now are effective compared to before its like it become a part of you. The focus that I will try to keep in mind is that I am writing to individuals that would like to get details of what I’m writing about. It is helpful to go according to the format of the given tasks. Keeping my thoughts structured an organize my thoughts.

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