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Monday, October 31, 2011

essay 1

The mist undeniable fact is people like to live their live in an
unrealistic fashion even though the realities of life is sometimes
hard to deal with. Many blindly ignore the facts and continue ti live
in false pretense. Illusions can lead people ti livingin a world that
consists of false realities
In plato excerpt the allegory of the cave,the cave can be perceived as
the wolrd we live in. Day in and day out we start our day like a rat
race ruShing to work or school then we race home to our families in
the evening and this process continues everyday (the cave as you know
it. this simply implies that the human are under control and continue
to live their live in an fatancy wolrd as if it just the way life
really is. this is similar to the allegory of the caeand the matrix
the theme of givivng up the illusion and embracing the thruth is
demstrated in the matrix and the allegory of the cave where as the two
are baed on life in an unreal world . in the allgory of the cave plato
story conveys where slaves are trapped working without leaving the
cave. they have no idea that there is anotherworld beyong the caveand
they blindy refused to leave the cave when somoene told them about
another world. it so happened that one day the man that told them
abotu the other world stepped out of the cave and into this new world
where he could see the sun.the bright light almost blinded him due
being in the dark for so long he was afraid.
the connection between the allegory of the cave and the real world is
very simliar to conlonial rule of the jamaican indians by the french
goverment.the slaves were taken from africa and brought to the island
to work and toil until one day one slaves . rebelled .this sparked an
uproar. some slave did not agree and did not want to paticipate in the
rebbelllion . this was the time the slave had the chance to be free.
similar to the abolision of slavery in the west indies . in the matrix
was a world of dystopia for neo.again here lyes accepting the truth or
the lie . for the neo he chose not live the lie
 in general reality can be misleading

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